Our gin is produced from a bouquet of plants carefully selected. The juniper gives it its intensity, the borage brings its specificity. The Mont Blanc’s water taken at the source provides a shining clarity, a sublime transparency. Contemplate it when the liquide slides out the bottle like the water of a glacier, before drinking it with crushed ice.
Drink with ice.
Ingredients :
2 cl of Genepi Cherry Rocher produced with the waters of the Mon Blanc
2 cl of Gin Cherry Rocher produced with the waters of the Mon Blanc
2 cl of Vodka Cherry Rocher produced with the waters of the Mon Blanc
Crushed ice
Preparation :
Put the bottles in the refrigerator hours before opening. Make the recipe “Sasquatch’s trick” directly in a 20 cl cocktail glass. First serve the Genepi, then the Vodka and finally the Gin, then add the crushed ice and complete all the glass with tonic !
Garnish with a pretty lemon slice.
Warning: “Sasquatch’s trick” is not recommanded for those with cold feet !
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