Grenadine Syrup


The Grenadine Syurp is among the most essential syrups to have. Discover in our Grenadine Syrup all the flavors of red berries. Our Grenadine Syrup was produced in France and is certified Halal.


Our Grenadine Syrup brings a fruity characteristic to your thirst-quenching drinks and cocktails. It also allows to pleasantly flavor your fruity dessert. 1 dose of syrup with 7 doses of water.


“Bora Bora”

  • 1 cl of lemon
  • 2 cl of Cherry Rocher 1705 Grenadine Syrup
  • 6 cl of Passion Fruit Juice
  • 10 cl of Pineapple Juice

Blackcurrant Syrup


Discover our Blackcurrent syrup with acid and gourmet hints typical of this fruit. Our Blackcurrant syrup was produced in France and is certified Halal. Also available in 25 cl format.


Make your refreshing and gourmet drinks with our Blackcurrant Syrup. 1 dose of syrup with 7 doses of water.


“Blackcurrant Vermouth”

  • 9 cl of White Vermouth
  • 2 cl of Blackcurrant liqueur
  • Sparkling water

Strawberry Syrup


Cherry Rocher brings to you all the flavors and intensity of strawberry in this traditional syrup. Our Strawberry syrup was produced in France and is certified Halal. Also available in 25 cl format.


Our strawberry syrup brings out a fruity typical of strawberry to your thirst-quenching drinks and cocktails. It also allows to pleasantly flavor some of your desserts. 1 dose of syrup with 7 doses of water.


“Tea time”

  • 6 cl of Pineapple juice
  • 1 cl of Cherry Rocher 1705 strawberry syrup
  • 5 cl of homemade tea
  • 2 cl of lemon juice

Cranberry Syrup


Syrup with original Cranberry flavors. Thirst-quenching drink to mix with water, in cocktail or on your dessert. Our Cranberry syrup was produced in France and is certified Halal. Also available in 25 cl format.


Our Cranberry syrup is perfect for the making of refreshing drinks, cocktails, or as flavoring for desserts. 1 dose of syrup with 7 doses of water.


“Pink Lady”

  • 6 cl of Vodka
  • 4 cl of Cherry Rocher 1705 Cranberry Syrup
  • 2 cl of Cherry Rocher 1705 Rose Syrup
  • 2 cl of Tonic

Cherry Syrup


Morello cherries are sweet, juicy, fleshy, bright red fruits. Discover a gourmet and intense syrup. Our Morello cherry syrup was produced in France and is certified Halal. Also available in 25 cl format.


Our morello cherry syrup is perfect for the making of refreshing drinks, cocktails, or as flavoring for desserts. 1 dose of syrup with 7 doses of water.


“Dear Cherry”

  • 4 cl of Cherry Brandy
  • 4 cl of Cherry Rocher Morello Cherry Syrup
  • Orange juice

Blackberry Syrup


Find in our Blackberry Syrup all the flavors of this wild fruit. Our Blackberry syrup was produced in France and is certified Halal. Also available in 25 cl format.


Our Blackberry syrup brings a fresh and thirst-quenching hint typical of blackberries to your drinks. It also allows to pleasantly flavor desserts. 1 dose of syrup with 7 doses of water.


“Dark blossom”

  • 5 cl of blackberry juice
  • 5 cl of cherry juice
  • 5 cl of Cherry Rocher 1705 Blackberry Syrup

Raspberry Syrup


Our Raspberry syrup brings out a fruity and acid hint of raspberry to your thirst-quenching drinks and cocktails. Ou raspberry syrup was produced in France and is certified Halal. Also available in 25 cl format.


Our Raspberry syrup is perfect for the making of drinks, cocktails, or as flavoring for fruity desserts. 1 dose of syrup with 7 doses of water.


“Albermarle Fizz”

  • 4 cl of Gin
  • 2 cl of Cherry Rocher 1705 Raspberry Syrup
  • 1 cl of Lime juice
  • Sparkling water

Blueberry syrup

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